Can Ukrainians take refuge in the UK? Immigration concessions and asylum policy

Russian forces launch a full-scale assault on Ukraine today, with its military attacking the country from the north, east and south.

In a sign of how seriously the UK government is taking the threat from Russia, the Home Office has brought out immigration concessions aimed at protecting the family members of British citizens in Ukraine. The department also seems to be reviewing its policy on asylum claims by Ukrainian citizens who are already in the UK or who make their way here in future.

The concessions published on 17 February apply to people of any nationality who usually live in Ukraine with a British family member (i.e. they don’t have to be a Ukrainian citizen). The British sponsor must be the applicant’s:

  • Spouse or civil partner
  • Unmarried partner (i.e. cohabited in a relationship for two years)
  • Parent, if the applicant is under 18
  • Child under 18
  • Adult relative who lives with the applicant to whom the applicant provides care because of their medical condition

Note that list does not include non-British elderly relatives being cared for by their British family member. In other words, there is no exceptional provision for Ukrainian adult dependent relatives.

If you are seeking immigration advice as a Ukrainian citizen, contact us.

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