The Innovator Route
“The UK can be proud that we are a leading nation when it comes to tech and innovation, but we want to do more to attract businesses to the UK and our migration system plays a key part in that. That is why I am pleased to announce a new visa for people wanting to start a business in the UK. This will help to ensure we continue to attract the best global talent and maintain the UK’s position as a world-leading destination for innovation and entrepreneurs.”
The Home Secretary Sajid Javid, has announced that the Tier 1 (entrepreneur) category is to be closed and replaced by a new innovator category from Spring 2019, further details will be announced in due course. He expects that this new change will open the route up to wider pool of talented entrepreneurs.
The innovator route will have a similar emphasis on endorsement by a business sponsor, who will assess applicants’ business ideas for their innovation, viability and scalability. This shows the government’s commitment and determination to creating the UK a dynamic, open and globally-trading nation.
The statement only refers to ‘Spring 2019’. Based on experience, home office usually makes major changes on immigration rules after April each year, however we will wait to see what the statement of changes states for an implementation date. We hope that the Statement of Intent will be released with sufficient detail and enough time to allow potential applicants to make a formal decision about their applications.
How we can help
There is limited information released about the new category and uncleared position, as a result it is difficult to determine which route will be ultimately better for visa applicants. In the mean time, we strongly advise those who are able to meet the entrepreneur requirements and are seeking to apply for this category, prepare your application as soon as possible to ensure that you can make the application before the category closes.
To review an official press release, please find further information via Gov. UK
For further information and expert advice in relation to an application for a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa, contact our immigration advisors in London on +44(0)2072536888 or via“英国可以为我们在技术和创新方面处于领先地位感到自豪,但我们希望做更多的事情来吸引企业到英国,我们的移民系统在这方面起着关键作用。 这就是为什么我很高兴为想要在英国开展业务的人们宣布新的签证。 这将有助于确保我们继续吸引全球最优秀的人才,并希望我们的移民体系在这方面扮演着更重要的角色。“
内政大臣Sajid Javid宣布,将从2019年春季开始撤换20万英镑企业家移民签证,并正式推出 ‘初创’ 签证类别,进一步的细节还没公布。 他解释道,这一新变化将为更多有才华的企业家提供新的机会。
在新的路径下,申请人的商业模式和想法必须得到更专业的第三方机构(比如风险投资机构,商业咨询机构)的认可,并由机构对申请人的商业理念的创新,可行性和可扩展性进行考核。这样一来,申请者的商业计划书的真实性能得到进一步保证,这表明政府打击 ‘ 冒牌企业家’ 的决心, 鼓励真正的精英创业者,并致力将英国打造成一个充满活力,开放和全球贸易的国家。
该声明仅注明在 ‘2019年春季’ 正式推出,但 我们的根据经验,英国内政部通常会在每年4月之后对移民规则进行重大更改。但是我们预计这新的变更。 我们希望意向声明能够以足够的细节和足够的时间发布,以便有兴趣的申请人能够就其申请作出正式决定。
新的初创签证发布的内容有限,因此很难对比和目前的20万英镑企业家移民哪个最终会对签证申请人有利。 在这种不确定性下,我们强烈建议那些能够满足企业家要求并且对20万镑企业家签证有兴趣的申请人,请尽快准备申请,以确保您可以在移民签证失效前成功拿到移民签证。
更多有关20万企业家移民签证申请的信息和专家建议,请致电+44(0)2072536888 或通过 联系我们在伦敦的移民顾问。